
Welcome to the schedule of the 2015 Massachusetts Poetry Festival, happening May 1-3 in the beautiful and historic town of Salem! 

Create a profile by signing up below. Doing so will allow you to create a customized schedule so you can keep track of what you want to attend.

To purchase your attendance button, read articles on our headliners, get tips for where to stay in Salem, and more, visit our website at www.masspoetry.org/festival2015.

avatar for Caleb Nelson

Caleb Nelson

Warrior Writers
Boston Outreach Director
Dorchester, MA
Caleb Nelson is a writer and visual artist. He enlisted in the Navy in 2004, and worked as an aviation electrician. After being discharged in 2008, Caleb studied philosophy and creative writing at UMass Boston and started writing for The Mass Media, where he was eventually elected editor-in-chief. A friend invited Caleb to a Warrior Writers workshop in 2013. He now facilitates Warrior Writers workshops in the Boston area and is the administrator for the Warrior Writers reddit page and blog. He is currently serving a six-month Fellowship with Warrior Writers awarded by The Mission Continues.