
Welcome to the schedule of the 2015 Massachusetts Poetry Festival, happening May 1-3 in the beautiful and historic town of Salem! 

Create a profile by signing up below. Doing so will allow you to create a customized schedule so you can keep track of what you want to attend.

To purchase your attendance button, read articles on our headliners, get tips for where to stay in Salem, and more, visit our website at www.masspoetry.org/festival2015.

avatar for Adam Grabowski

Adam Grabowski

Vermont College of Fine Arts
Adam's work has appeared in Off the Coast, jubilat, The Rattling Wall, The Naugatuck River Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, Meat for Tea, and elsewhere. Adam received his MSW from Westfield State University in 2012 and is currently an MFA candidate at the Vermont College of Fine Art’s Writing Program. He's an instructor with the Pioneer Valley Writers’ Workshop. Adam lives in Holyoke, Massachusetts with his wife and two daughters.